LoRaWAN COMFORT CO2 - Guide utilisateur / User guide version V1.1.1
of 69
2.7. Transmission modes
The product enables to measure the temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration in a room, to save the data and to send it in 3 different
Periodical sending
Periodic transmission and over
Transmission over threshold
Periodic sending allows data to be
collected in a specified period of time,
to be saved and sent on a regular basis
analysis over time
Mix of the two modes
in order to
be able to reading regularly to receive
alerts if the threshold is exceeded and
to save the information regularly to
make the analysis over time.
The sending of a frame on exceeding
a threshold makes it possible to read
data according to a given period and
to send an alarm
only if one of the
thresholds is exceeded
I want my device to read the tempera-
ture, humidity and CO2 concentration
every 3 hours, this information is saved
and all my backups are sent to me once
a day.
I want my device to measure data every
10 minutes. I want the data saved
every hour and the information sent to
me every 2 hours.
If the temperature exceeds 24°C I want
an alarm sent to me. I do not want an
alarm for humidity or CO2 concentra-
I want my device to send me an alarm
when the temperature is exceeding
24°C or the CO2 concentration in
my room overpasses 1300 ppm with
a reading every 10 minutes. I do not
want an alarm for humidity.
Sampling period
= 5400 (5400 = 3 hours)
Historisation frequency
= 1 (1 saving every 3h)
Transmission frequency
= 8 (8 X 3h = 24h)
• Alarm type for T°C (S330)
= 0 (alarm deactivated)
• Alarm type for Humidity (S340)
= 0 (alarm deactivated)
• Alarm for CO2 concentration (S350)
= 0 (alarm and LED indicator deacti-
Sampling period
= 300 (300x2 =10 minutes )
Historisation frequency
= 6 (6 x 10 min =60 minutes = 1h)
Transmission frequency
= 2 (2 X 1h = 2h)
• High threshold (S331)
= 240 (+24°C)
• Alarm type for T°C (S330)
= 1 (high threshold)
• Hysteresis for high threshold (S332)
= 20 (2°C) My room turned back to a
“normal” temperature at 22°C.
• Alarm type for humidity (S340)
= 0 (deactivated)
• Alarm for C02 concentration (S350)
= 0 (deactivated)
Sampling period
= 300 (300 =10 minutes)
Transmission frequency
= 0 (no periodic sending)
• High threshold (S331)
= 240 (+24°C)
• Alarm type for T°C (S330)
= 1 (high threshold)
• Hysteresis for high threshold (S330)
= 20 (2°C) My room turned back to a
“normal” temperature at 22°C.
• Alarm type for humidity (S340)
= 0 (alarm deactivated)
• Alarm for CO2 concentration (S350)
= 1 activated
• CO2 threshold (S353)
= 1300 ppm
PAY ATTENTION: the frame capacity depends of the network used.
Illustration of the mixed mode, with periodical data and sampling for alarm:
period S321 =
Historisation frequency = number
of samples before each saving
S320 = 6x10min = 1h
Transmission frequency =
number of savings (historisation)
before each sending