LoRaWAN COMFORT CO2 - Guide utilisateur / User guide version V1.1.1
of 69
Via downlink
The user can launch a manual calibration sending a downlink to the sensor. The user can use the reference value (400 ppm by default) or indi-
cates in the frame an other value, he can also indicate a timestamp when the device should perform the calibration. This calibration runs during
around 10 minutes and must be performed at fresh air without a human presence.
Send a frame
Wait until the right
timestamp is reached
Reception of
a 0x1A frame
indicated ?
This remote calibration functionality can be used when automatic calibration is deactivated
and when the user knows that the zone where the sensor is located is exceptionally unoccu-
pied and ventilated for a long period.
to send a timestamp in the frame, you have to know if the product is configured with a
UTC hour (by default) or if a local hour has been set.
Open the windows 10 to 20
minutes before the calibration
and during the calibration
Press the button during 5 sec-
onds (green LED ON)
Prohibit people to enter the
room during the calibration
Wait 10 minutes before
to enter the zone again
2.4.3 Manual calibration
The manual calibration enables the user to calibrate the sensor when the conditions are the most suitable.
To do so, 2 options :
• Press for more than 5 seconds the button on the side of the sensor
• Send a downlink to the sensor
if a calibration is launched, through the button or via Downlink, it can not be canceled.
Calibration through push button
To launch the manual calibration using the button: