LoRaWAN COMFORT CO2 - Guide utilisateur / User guide version V1.1.1
of 69
2.2. JOIN phase
2.2.1 Start-up of the product, JOIN process and configuration
The product start the JOIN process after entering PRODUCTION mode (after the detection of the push button or after the exit of the command
By default, the device make 10 successive trials, in case of failure the device waits for 12 hours and then restarts the process. This process will
be repeated until the device receive an accept from the gateway called Join Accept.
It is possible to configure the JOIN process through the IoT Configurator.
With the App you can decide :
• How many trials you want for each authentication attempt,
• The delay maximum between 2 attempts,
• The weighting factor, used to reduce the delay for the first attempts.
Registers concerned by the configuration:
• S312: Maximum delay between 2 authentication attempts
• S313: Weighting factor for initial authentication attempts
• S314: Number of tries for each authentication attempt
Register Encoding
The maximum delay between each attempts is 4 hours.
The weighting factor indicated that the first attempt will be
spaced by 1 hour, then it will increase after each attempt
until it reaches the maximum delay specified in S312.
Each attempt is composed by 15 successive trials
2.2.2 Launch a JOIN process remotely
The product receives a 0x48 downlink frame and restart after a defined delay (indicated in the frame).
This function of restart enables the device to start a JOIN process remotely. It can be useful for a change of operator or when you have to restart
a gateway.
To know the content of the 0x48 frame refers to the Technical Reference Manual (TRM) of the product.
2.3. Network quality test
During the JOIN Process, a device configured in Class A OTAA will make a network quality test (patented algorithm). When the test is running
the device shows the 2 LEDs green and red simultaneously (from 10 to 20 seconds).
The result of the test is given by the devices after around 20 seconds following the Join Accept. It is visible through the sole thanks to the LED.
With this information the installer know the quality of the network and can move the product to a place with a better coverage.
In any case, the product will send the first frames directly in the SF determined by the result of the test.
Great quality
SF7 or SF8
Medium quality
Other SF and
link margin > 6
Poor quality
Other SF and
link margin <= 6