4601 I-V Meter Operation Manual
8.4.2 Calibration Procedure
10. Set the STD value by XD data.
11. Read out and check the measurement data.
12. Move to the next step by XNXT.
13. Set calibration mode to Standby by SBY.
Current Limit Calibration
The procedure of current limit calibration is described according to Figure 8-9 Calibration Procedure (5).
Check that the current measurement calibration has been completed.
1. Set the calibration mode to Operate by OPR.
2. Select the current limit calibration mode.
Current HI limt:
Current LO limit:
Calibrate the current LO limit first and the current HI limit second.
3. Select the range.
A range:
3 mA range:
30 mA range:
300 mA range:
3 A range:
10 A range:
4. Enter the DMM data input mode by XDAT.
5. Set the IM read value of the 4601 by XD data.
6. Move to the full-scale calibration mode by XNXT.
7. Set the IM read value of the 4601 by XD data.
8. Finish the DMM data intpu mode by XNXT.
9. Move to the zero calibration data fine adjustment mode by XADJ.
10. Check the zero calibration value.
11. Move to the full-scale calibration data fine adjustment mode by XNXT.
12. Check the full-scale calibration value.
13. Move to the next step by XNXT.
14. Set calibration mode to Standby by SBY.