4601 I-V Meter Operation Manual
5.7 Self Test
Self Test
The 4601 tests itself when the power is turned ON or the execution is requested by the command TST? or
key operation.
The following table shows the self test descriptions, error codes and error messages.
Table 5-12 Self Test Items (1 of 3)
Executing method
+001 ROM check SUM
ROM check sum error
+002 Panel section RAM
Panel memory error
+003 VFD module communication
VFD module error
+004 RAM read/write
RAM read/write failed
+005 Analog section communication
Communication error (Analog)
+009 Sweep RAM read/write
RAM-2 read/write failed
+012 CAL data SUM
CAL data sum error
+013 Parameter SUM
Parameter memory sum error
+101 Analog section RST signal
ADRST Signal Check
+102 Analog section TRIG signal
ADTRG Signal Check
+111 ADC1 operation IR1-IR2 ratio
ADC1 Ratio 1 to 2
+112 ADC1 operation IR2-IR3 ratio
ADC1 Ratio 2 to 3
+113 ADC1 operation IR3-IR4 ratio
ADC1 Ratio 3 to 4
+114 ADC1 operation IR4-IR5 ratio
ADC1 Ratio 4 to 5
+115 ADC1 operation IR5-IR6 ratio
ADC1 Ratio 5 to 6
+121 ADC2 operation IR1-IR2 ratio
ADC2 Ratio 1 to 2
+122 ADC2 operation IR2-IR3 ratio
ADC2 Ratio 2 to 3
+123 ADC2 operation IR3-IR4 ratio
ADC2 Ratio 3 to 4
+124 ADC2 operation IR4-IR5 ratio
ADC2 Ratio 4 to 5
+125 ADC2 operation IR5-IR6 ratio
ADC2 Ratio 5 to 6
+131 ADC3 operation IR1-IR2 ratio
ADC3 Ratio 1 to 2
+132 ADC3 operation IR2-IR3 ratio
ADC3 Ratio 2 to 3
+133 ADC3 operation IR3-IR4 ratio
ADC3 Ratio 3 to 4
+134 ADC3 operation IR4-IR5 ratio
ADC3 Ratio 4 to 5