ADCP-61-819 • Issue 1 • July 2000
Page 31
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Table 7. Color Code Indications
Normal operating condition–no errors.
A warning condition– 1-9 communication errors.
A failure state – 10 communication errors, not calibrated, or unit has failed.*
Loss of input signal (Redundant Amplifier only).
The unit is off-line or not connected.
The port side must be calibrated. The power must be near the calibration level–if below, it must be within the Minimum
Threshold. If above, it must either be within the Maximum Threshold, or Max Threshold must be disabled. Outside of these
limits, the unit reports failure. Swatch shows the power, calibration, and min and max thresholds on the power meter (for
RDS-2), but reads the status from the unit and sets the color based on status.
The power meter color thus follows the port icon color, with one exception. The Minor Threshold is used only within Swatch
to detect safe but significant power deviations from the calibration level. If the deviation would otherwise not be a failure,
but is too high or too low by more than the Minor Threshold, the power meter is not green on green but magenta on green.
Site Map
reports any errors up through the tree, with each subsequent (superior) node
appearing in the color that represents the most serious condition found in the (inferior) nodes.
The Unit List displays errors on a unit-by-unit basis.
Event Log
Event Log
) is a list of system events displayed in the
Event Pane
. The event
log can capture and display any combination of normal events, warnings, or failures. Settings
for this function are covered in Sections 4.5.4 and 4.5.5.
Clicking on an event in the date column of the event log related to a particular unit will open
Site Map
Unit List
and highlight the port (if port specific) or unit in question.
The fields can be sorted by date, time, name, or event in either ascending or descending order.
Click on the desired field on the
Display Bar
and the log will be rearranged. The Event Log
will display the last 1000 events that pass through the Display Filter; however, the Event Log
file may contain more events. Change the filter to become more selective, or change the time
range to exclude the newer events.