745 and LoopStar
Cost-Effective Ethernet Over DS3 Solutions With Carrier-Class Management Capabilities
ADC’s LoopStar 745 and LoopStar 745P provide the ideal solutions for delivering cost-effective, managed
Ethernet over DS3 applications. These plug-and-play solutions deliver carrier-class performance allowing
service providers to deliver low-cost, first-entry solutions for single customer scenarios.
The LoopStar 745 and LoopStar 745P can attach to an existing SONET Add Drop Multiplexer (ADM), DS3 fixed
wireless link, or a leased DS3 facility. Two subscriber Ethernet ports enable prioritized traffic to be fed to the
network. In a hub-and-spoke configuration, several LoopStar 745 and LoopStar 745P products can feed the
LoopStar 750 or other aggregation switches and can be managed in-band through the DS3 connection.
The LoopStar 745 and LoopStar 745P can also be paired back-to-back to deliver cost-effective, point-to-point
Ethernet and TDM interconnections.
With the LoopStar 745 and LoopStar 745P, a carrier is able to enter a single customer location and capture
Ethernet service revenue with low, first-cost solutions that can be deployed today and pay for themselves
within a few months, without having to invest in a costly build-out of the metro network.
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• ‘Plug-and-play’ platform and design
• LoopStar 700 Traffic Management
• LoopStar 700 In-band or out-of-band management
• Multi-level loopback testing
• Hands-off cable testing
• Circuit Emulation Services
• Deliver a low, first-cost managed solution for Ethernet-to-DS3 applications
• ‘Plug-and-Play’ design makes the LoopStar 745 and LoopStar 745P easy to configure and provision
• Packet-based converged access switch allows full utilization of available bandwidth
• Hands-off cable testing for both the network and Ethernet connections
• Compact design makes them simple to install at the customer premise, either as wall-mounted or
rack-mounted units
• Customer traffic classification, supporting up to 10 traffic rules per device, as well as VLAN management,
traffic queuing, rate limiting and policing
• Extend IP management visibility all the way to the remote customer edge, eliminating truck rolls
• Provide automated verification of DS3, DS1 and 10/100 links
• Give carriers a fast, accurate way to pinpoint cabling problems, saving time and money
• Toll quality end-to-end delivery of circuit-based TDM services