152-388-115-03, Issue 03
Monitoring System Activity and Performance
H2TU-C-388 List 1E
April 21, 2000
Table 14.
Monitor Screen Descriptions
Active Loopback
An active loopback is indicated on the lower third of the Monitor screen. Available loopbacks are
indicated by gray text. See
for a summary of the HiGain HDSL2 loopback
Alarm Type
Indicates the type of alarm.
Armed Mode
Indicates the system is in an armed state for an intelligent repeater (IR) loopback command.
Code type
Type of DS1 line coding used (AMI or B8ZS).
DS1 ES Count
Errored Seconds—The sum of the Errored Seconds-Line (ES-L) and Errored Seconds-Path (ES-P)
counts detected on the DS1 input over a 24-hour period. Errors included are: DS1 Frame errors
and ESF CRC errors.
DS1 SES Count
Severely Errored Seconds—The sum of the DS1 Severely Errored Seconds-Line (SES-L) and
Severely Errored Seconds-Path (SES-P) counts over the last 24 hours.
DS1 UAS Count
Unavailable Errored Seconds—The number of seconds during which the DS1 input signal was
absent over a 24-hour period.
Frame type
Type of DS1 framing detected at the input stream (SF, ESF, or UNFR).
HDSL2 ES Count
Errored Seconds—The number of 1-second intervals that contained at least one CRC or LOSW
error. This value is a running total of the last 24 Hours.
Severely Errored Seconds—The number of 1-second intervals that contain at least 50 CRC errors
or one or more LOSW defects. (An LOSW defect occurs when at least three consecutive HDSL
frames contain one or more frame bit errors.) This value is a running total of the last 24 hours.
Unavailable Errored Seconds—The number of seconds the HDSL2 loop is unavailable. This occurs
after 10 contiguous HDSL SES and is retired after 10 contiguous non-SES seconds. This value is
a running total of the last 24 hours.
Circuit identification (ID) number.
Loop Attenuation—Indicates the attenuation of the Overlapped Pulse Amplitude Modulation
Transmission with Interlocking Spectra (OPTIS) pulse from the distant end. The value is related to
the loop attenuation at 196 kHz and should be kept under 35 dB.
Line Power Feed—Indicates the HDSL2 line power is on.
Margin—The signal-to-noise ratio at all HDSL2 ports, relative to a 10
Bit Error Rate.
Margin Alarm— Indicates the margin on HDSL2 has dropped below the threshold (0 to 15 dB) as
set by the operator.
PL (or HG)
PL displays when the loopback was initiated by a command embedded in the DS1 data path
payload (PL). HG displays when the loopback was initiated from a HiGain (HG) front panel or by a
HiGain maintenance terminal loopback command.
The sum of the Performance Report Messaging-Near End (PRM-NE) and Performance Report
Messaging-Far End (PRM-FE) counts.
System Status
The presence or absence of an alarm condition is indicated on the lower right corner of all screens.