Options Verify.
To verify the maxCache Container without
fixing bad data Coherency Check, then select
from the drop-down list.
To perform a coherency check on the
maxCache meta-data
5. Click OK.
Caution: Do not power off the system while the verification is in progress. If you
do, the verification will stop.
When the verification is complete, an event notice is generated in the system's event log, at which
time you can continue working with the controller.
Deleting the maxCache Container
When you delete the maxCache Container, the component SSDs become available and can be used to
create a new logical drive, as hot spares, or to create a new maxCache Container.
Caution: Ensure that no activity is taking place on the controller for the maxCache
Container; otherwise you may lose data.
To delete the maxCache Container:
1. In the Enterprise View, select a controller, then select the maxCache Container.
2. On the ribbon, in the maxCache group, click Delete.
3. When prompted, click Delete to delete the maxCache Container; click Cancel to cancel the action.
Changing the maxCache Settings for a Logical Drive
You can enable or disable maxCache read and write caching for each logical drive in your storage space:
1. In the Enterprise View, select a controller, then select a logical drive on that controller.
2. On the ribbon, in the Logical Disk group, click Set Properties.
3. When the Set Properties window opens, click the maxCache tab.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Document No.: CDP-00278-01-A Rev. A, Issue:
maxView Storage Manager User's Guide