10.8 Find devices in the network
All ADAMCZEWSKI units present in the local network can be accessed by means of
the auxiliary programme
can be identified. This is nec-
essary if the DHCP function has been set on a unit and the unknown IP address must
be determined.
The programme package can be downloaded from the website:
After unpacking the file and calling
, the programme is installed. In the
process, confirm the required permissions in the firewall messages. The programme
requires network access.
When the programme is started, the unit messages of all units found are listed in a
window. A unit message contains the unit name with the associated MAC address. In
the following line, the link to the accessibility of the found units appears. In this way,
the units can be localised in connection with their MAC address, which is also located
on the unit.
Figure 10.21:
Device list
This information should be stored for later access.
10.8.1 Automated device call-up
By clicking on the link of the
, the device start page can be called up. The
system’s own standard web browser is started automatically.
10.8.2 Manual unit call
The IP address in the text field is copied and pasted into the address bar of the web
browser together with the configuration port (e.g. into the address
bar of the web browser. The unit appears with its start page.