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IrDA OBEX Server and Client Protocol Debug and
Test Suite, ACT-IR9007
© Copyright ACTiSYS Corporation 2005-2006
Facilitates testing and debugging of IrDA OBEX Server and Client.
Supports both IrDA™ Primary and Secondary devices.
Supports IrDA FIR (4Mbps), MIR (0.576 &1.152Mbps) and SIR (9.6-115.2Kbps) data rates.
ACT-IR9007 Test Suite is implemented with all Test cases as per IrDA OBEX Test Spec.v1.0.
Test software and Debugger intelligence are easily upgradeable and expandable.
Friendly and comprehensive multi-window GUI for easy viewing and operation.
Detailed information regarding test progress, test results and violations are
displayed in different color, in separate windows, for each Test Case.
Debugger module describes the reason for Test Failure in every Test Case.
User can customize Test Cases based on their IrDA OBEX Server/Client device features.
User can run IR9007SW easily without knowing IrDA OBEX Protocol Test Specification in detail.
Automatically generates official IrDA OBEX Protocol Test Report as per approved Test Report
Speeds up the IrDA® OBEX Qualification of your IrDA products.
You may buy one model, and easily upgrade to other Debug and Test Suite models:
ACT-IR9005SW (IrSimple Primary and Secondary Protocol Debug and Test Suite)
ACT-IR9006SW (IrDA Primary and Secondary Protocol Debug and Test Suite)
ACT-IR9008SW (IrFM PTD and POS Protocol Debug and Test Suite)
ACT-IR3200SW (IrDA BER, Bit Error Rate, Hand Held Tester)