ust when you thought moving big files from one
device to another around your would be a
complicated and time-consuming task, Actiontec
comes to your rescue. With the new MegaPlug AV
200 Mbps Ethernet Adapter, you can expand your current
home network (using your already-installed power lines)
and experience blinding transfer speeds, all at the same
time! Now, you can transfer movies, or multiple songs, or
any other large files, from one networked device to
another, in minutes instead of hours, or seconds instead
of minutes.
Speed, Speed, and More Speed
The first thing you’ll notice about the MegaPlug AV
Adapter is its speed. Hundreds of photos transfer from
the computer in the den to the computer in the living
room in a flash. A muliti-gigabit movie file streams
effortlessly from the kitchen to the bedroom.
Security for the 21st Century
The MegaPlug AV Adapter also features 128-bit AES,
which is a new type of security and the first available to the
general public that’s been approved by the U. S. government
for classified, top-secret documents. AES security is so
secure, no computer existing today can break its code.
What this means, essentially, is that you can make all
your files top-secret, for your eyes only, and never worry
about outsiders snooping around your personal business.
No new cables required. Uses the existing power lines
in your home.
Very Easy to Use…Simply plug in
Compatible with any Router or Gateway
Supports HomePlug speeds up to 200 Mbps*
Integrated QoS
Co-exists with older 14 Mbps and 85 Mbps Home Plug devices.
Secure data encryption
Solutions for the Digital Life
Model# HPE200AV