Dear User of the Acterna TestPad
Base Station & Air Interface Test Module (BAT),
We hope that you will enjoy using the BAT as much as we
enjoyed designing it for you.
Your feedback on this test instrument is always welcome. It
enables us to improve the BAT through updates and upgrades.
So your feedback can be the first step towards an improved ver-
sion of the BAT! Send us your comments; you can reach us by
email, fax or via our local sales offices.
Additional information, hints and updates on the latest software
can be accessed online: www.acterna.com.
Your BAT Team
Support Europe/Asia
+49 89 99641-386
+49 89 99641-440
email: [email protected]
Support Americas
+1 800 245 6356
+1 317 788 9351
+1 317 614 8347
email: [email protected]