Compact FLASH III Digital Audio System
Copyright©1992-2007 by ACS, Sarasota, Florida
Diagnostic LED Codes (Red & Green LEDs)
Green LED
Flashes three times a second while scanning or loading CF Card files.
Steady on when loaded, ready or playing in CFSound mode.
Flashes once a second while running ACS Basic mode
Red LED Error Flashes
The Red LED can indicate up to 4 error conditions by flashing 1 to 4 unique numeric code patterns from
the following table in a continuously repeating sequence. The Red LED flashes at three times a second for
the value of the pattern, followed by a half second gap, then the next pattern.
Flash Count Error Condition
One Problem w/ATA interface, non-compatible CF card, bad CF card, execution stops.
Two Error opening .WAV file for that input, incorrect filename, file does not exist.
Error when reading file, file corrupted, unsupported file type, the sound doesn t start or
stops playing.
No valid *.WAV files of a CFSound Mode Filename Format found on the CF Card
starting ACS Basic. This code will continue until a Basic RUN command is issued.
No valid FAT or FAT32 file system found on the CF Card, execution stops.
Error seeking within file when starting or resuming sound, the sound doesn t start or
Seven Error initializing CODEC, execution stops.
Eight Invalid .WAV file internal structure, file is ignored.
Nine Unsupported .WAV format (not Windows PCM), file is ignored.
Ten Unsupported .WAV sample rate (not 44.1KHz), file is ignored.
Eleven Unsupported .WAV sample size (not 16-bit), file is ignored.
Contact closure without matching sound file, a contact closure with matching sound file
stops this code from flashing.
Thirteen Speaker is muted by RS-232 command or ACS Basic command.
Power Requirements
The idle current of a CFSound III unit with an 8MB Kingston CF card installed is ~170mA @ 12VDC
With a background sound playing at a moderate level, the current consumption averages ~250mA @