Vertu Series VPM3000 Process Meters & Temperature Transmitters
Instruction Manual
Setting the Relay Operation (
This menu allows you to set up the operation of the
1. Relay action (
a. Automatic reset only (non-latching)
b. Aut manual reset at any time
c. Latching (manual reset only)
d. Latching with Clear (manual reset only
after alarm condition has cleared)
e. Pump alternation control (automatic
reset only)
f. Off (relay and status LED disabled)
2. Set point
3. Reset point
4. Fail-safe operation
a. On (enabled)
b. Off (disabled)
5. Time delay
a. On delay (0-199 seconds)
b. Off delay (0-199 seconds)
6. Break Condition Behavior
a. Off (non-alarm condition)
b. On (alarm condition)
Setting the Relay Action
The relays’
menu allows the user to set up the
operation of the relays. The relays may be set up for
any of the following modes of operation:
1. Automatic reset (non-latching)
2. Aut manual reset at any time (non-
3. Latching (manual reset only, at any time)
4. Latching with Clear (manual reset only after
alarm condition has cleared)
5. Pump alternation control (automatic reset
6. Off (relay and status LED disabled)
The following graphic shows relay 1 action setup;
relay 2 is set up in a similar fashion.
Programming Set and Reset Points
High alarm indication: program set point above reset
Low alarm indication: program set point below reset
The deadband is determined by the difference
between set and reset points. Minimum deadband is
one display count. If set and reset points are
programmed the same, relay will reset one count
below set point.
Display Functions and Messages
Quick Set Points
arrow and
at the same time to
access set/reset points quickly.