AcroPack Series ACPS3310
CompactPCI-Serial Carrier Board
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Figure 3 ACPS3310 AcroPack Carrier Block Diagram
PCIe Switch
The PCIe switch is a 6 port 8 lane PCIe Gen 2 switch. It expands the single host
PCIe port to two ports, one for each AcroPack site. The host port consists of
four PCIe lanes or one PCIe lane (depending on CPCI-S slot), each of the
AcroPack sites have one lane each.
Important Note:
The ACPS3310 board is not hot-swappable.
DC/DC Converter
The ACPS3310 has four DC/DC converters to provide the power supply
voltages to the AcroPack modules that are not present on the CPCI-S
backplane. The +3.3 Volt, +5 Volt and -12 Volt supplies are sourced from +12
Volt power. The +1.5 Volt supply is sourced from the +3.3 Volt supply. Also, if
the regulator is populated, +5V standby from the backplane will be converted
to +3.3V Aux. This part is not populated by default.
Slot Addressing
The ACPS3310 carrier unique slot address is dependent upon the geographical
addressing signals (GA0-GA3) from the backplane. The slot address is 5 bits
long and consists of 1 bit to identify the site on the carrier where the
AcroPack modules is installed and 4 bits that are determined by the GA
signals. The CPLD will serialize the slot address and transmit the address to
the AcroPack module as requested by the AcroPack module. The process of
reading the slot address is typically initiated by host software.
A JTAG interface is provided for programming and debugging FPGAs on
AcroPack modules. It is intended to be used with a Xilinx Platform USB II
programming device. A bypass circuit is included that will detect a vacant
AcroPack site and close a switch to complete the JTAG chain. When two
AcroPack modules with Xilinx FPGAs are installed on the carrier the module in
slot B appears first in the chain followed by the module in slot A. The slot
address CPLD is also included in the JTAG chain for factory programming.
Power Supply Fuses
The power supplies to each AcroPack module are individually fused. A blown
fuse can be identified by visible inspection or by use of an ohm meter. The