Product and Installation Manual: Sentry Barrier TL-4 ThrieBeam System
| September 2020 |
New South Wales
02 8708 4400
02 8708 4400
07 3442 6200
Western Australia
02 9772 4172
Installers may choose to undergo formal training on the installation of the
Sentry Barrier TL-4
ThrieBeam System
if they have no prior experience with Sentry Barrier. This includes the correct
identification of each
Sentry Barrier TL-4 ThrieBeam System
components and installing it as per
the product specification and Installation Manual.
By the end of the training installers will be able to identify each component of the
Sentry Barrier TL-
4 ThrieBeam System
and have the knowledge to safely install the barrier as per the Installation
Manual and Specifications required.
The training will cover and include the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to be
worn during installation and maintenance. Additionally, by the end of the training workers will know
the correct methods required to handle and install all components of the
Sentry Barrier TL-4
ThrieBeam System
Health and Safety
Installers should comply with all necessary health and safety legislation in the local jurisdiction,
including all safe work and lifting practices.
All appropriate traffic safety precautions must be adopted. All workers must wear the required safety
clothing, including but not limited to, high visibility vests, steel capped footwear, gloves and protective
glasses etc.
Before undertaking any earth works, including drilling or driving of posts, always check with the
appropriate service providers that the area is clear of underground services
All installers must be well clear of machinery when posts are being driven.
Product Traceability
The Sentry Barrier TL-4 ThrieBeam system is manufactured
and stamped with traceability batch identification numbers
on core components to ensure traceability of the product
back to the original material certificates.
The photo on the right represents an example of a batch
identification stamp on a Sentry Barrier post, which includes
the manufacturer, grade, thickness and batch stamp details.