Crane Scales
PAGE: 25
Model HACS
689 SW 7
Terrace, Dania Beach, FL 33004 | (954) 367-6116
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6.10.3 Idle Timing
To maximize its battery life, the scale automatically enters the Idle Mode, when there’s no action or the load is stable. In
Idle Mode, the scale works in low-power consumption status.
“01” seconds to “99” seconds can be set to scale’s idle countdown timer. Once the timer’s timing reaches the delay user
set, it automatically lowers the brightness of the screen. If Idle Timing is set to “00”, the scale never goes into Idle Mode.
Any key pressing or motion in load, will wake up the scale from Idle Mode (when it is in this mode), and restart the
countdown timer.
The default Idle Timing is set to “30” seconds.
6.10.4 Display Brightness
Lowering the brightness of screen can also save scale’s battery life.
There are 3 optional levels of brightness, “1” to “3”. At level 1, the screen works at low power, while at level 3, it works at
high power.
The default Display Brightness is set to level “2”.
6.10.5 Display Frequency
Display Frequency decides how frequently the screen updates the weight reading.
There are optional 5 levels of Display Frequency, “0” to “4”. At level 4, the screen’s weight reading changes slowly, while
at level 0, it changes fast.
The default Display Frequency is set to level “1”.