F Alarm Forwarding
Installation and Operation Manual
2BATM-to-PSN Alarm Forwarding
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 Ver. 5.2
F-9. PW Link Failure and Alarm Forwarding/Acknowledgement over a PSN
ATM-to-PSN Alarm Forwarding
Vice-versa, failures on the ATM side are propagated by ACE-3105, ACE-3205
towards the PSN side. The following figures illustrate the ACE-3105, ACE-3205
behavior and alarm types used in case of physical ATM link failures, depending on
the ATM connection type (VP or VC).
VP/VC Intermediate Point
When the ATM interface is defined as Intermediate point, ACE-3105, ACE-3205
forwards alarms regarding any port-level failure. This includes the following cases:
F-10. Physical ATM Failure in case of VP Intermediate Point
F-11. Physical ATM Failure in case of VC Intermediate Point