C ATM OAM Functionality
Installation and Operation Manual
OAM Loopback
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 Ver. 5.2
C-31. VC End Point – Case F
Only an ATM host connection can be set as a VC endpoint.
OAM Loopback
OAM loopback cells are used to determine connectivity at specific points in a
network or between networks. OAM cells are part of the F4 and F5 OAM service,
which allows fault management for VPs and VCs. Loopback cells can be defined as
Segment or End-to-End.
OAM loopback support includes the following functionality:
OAM loopback cell generation – If OAM loopback generation is enabled for a
VC/VP at a certain CP, a loopback cell is sent for this VC/VP once every 5
seconds. The loopback cell is inserted towards the uplink (Tx) direction and
must be looped through another CP back to the origin point, all within no
more than 5 seconds.
OAM loopback reply – Each CP must:
Have the ability to receive OAM LB cells that are addressed to it,
regardless of whether the OAM LB generation is enabled
Loop the cells back towards the originator according to the standard
Min/max/average delay statistics – loopback statistics is updated for each
VP/VC that generates OAM loopback, upon each time a loopback cell
completes a roundtrip before the 5 seconds loopback cycle period is over.
Statistics are available for both current and previous intervals.