Ace 2HP Operating Instructions & Parts List Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 2HP

Page 1: ...onal injury Do not opeate the collector unless the filEr bag is attachecljhigh speed dust partcles exiting frcm the blower outlet can cause severeeye alamageanal blin lness Guaftls mustalways be in place Disconnect or lock out trcm oower source an l letmotor cometo a complete stop betore inspecting moving or servicing 1 Follow alllocalelecl calandsafetv codes aswettas Nalional EleclricalCodes NEC ...

Page 2: ...he end of the elbowand is heldin placewilh snap atches Clarnplhe dusl bag 8 to lhe sleev 3C usinglhe clamp 14 enclosed IMPORTANT Theedgeof lhe dust bagshouldbe approxirnately 1 4 below lhe flangeon lhe seeve so that the snap lalches can closecomplelely lt lhe iabrlc is too closeto the flange the snap latchwill reston ihe iabric and not fullyrerainrhe dusl bag Slipth 6 diamelerO ring 38 overthe end...

Page 3: ...ndseaed forlile sotheyneednolubrication durlng use Keeplhe motor cleanasexcessive dul mayprevenl proper cooing use no morelhan50psiairlo blowoffexcessive dirl could leacl to rcspitation brcathing prouems ancuot eye clamage or blinclness It lhe inieior surlaceol lhe bag becomesdidy and a notceabledrop oflin air ilow deveops lhe bag may needto be cleaned Disconneclmoloror lockout lrom powersource Re...

Page 4: ...tffit 6 Part Numberlor Mcdel 37754 371Q4 37154 37207 37102 37152 1 3HP 37753 37105 3lAHP 37761 1X2 372193 372009 Boll 1 4 20x 1 2 HexHead ReDlacementParts List for 1 3 1 2and 3 aHP Models Motor 1 Phase ODP 115 208 230Volt 60 Hz Motort 1 Phase TErc I15 208 230Volt 60 Hz Molor 3 Phase TEFC 230 460Volt 60 Hz Molor 1 Phase EYP 1l 430V_o11 q Molor 3 Phase EXP 230 460 Volt 60Hz Swrch 115v Housing Blower...

Page 5: ...hase EXP 115 230 Voll 60 Hz 37252 37302 Molor 3 Phase EXP 230 460 Volt 60Hz 3725462 37305 37354 2A zC Holsing Blower cuard 24 28 2C Seenote2 34029DC 34029DC 34029DC 34029DC 28 Gua d Discharoe lonlv 29318 29318 29318 29318 3 Snaplalchelbowassembly 3A 38 3C 5126402 5126402 5126402 5530602 5500702 5501002 5510304 5 31625 31626 31626 31626 6 2 Clamp Hose Nozzle 31016 31244 31244 31244 7 Reducer Inlel ...

Page 6: ......

Page 7: ... or bltiinglo prevenl seltling in dlciwork 5 Thewheelhoodshould coveral leasl75 oi thewheei10be considered a goodenclosure HowTo SelectThe Proper These duslm lectols wllgiv youexcellenl resrlts incolectirg wood chps Iinedustandmetalshav ngs theyare noldesigned towork intarge centralsyslem applcalions These areportable uritsthatcan bemoved llommachne tomachne Toselecl thepropersize DustColleclor 6e...

Page 8: ...ccount ol lhecharacter or quality ol any propey or material processed byBuye s wilhthe producl Onproducls furnished bySeller bul manufaclured bVolhers suchasmolors Seller exiends ihesamewarranly asSeller received fromthe manufaclurer lhereol Hlgh voftage electrical powet can cauae severe injury or cEath Always disconnect or lock out from oower sourceancl letmotor come to a completestop betoreinspe...
