V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
10. Web Interface Readings and Parameter Settings
The AXM-WEB2 module supports the HTTPS protocol to allow for the use of a web interface. The
user will need to access the AXM-WEB2 web interface to configure the module and use its func
tions. The web interface allows for remote initial setup of the Acuvim II meter.
The AXM-WEB2 web interface allows for different user access levels.
To access the web interface the IP address for the WEB2 either Ethernet 1, Ethernet 2 or a WiFi IP
address must be known..
10.1 User Access Login
Enter the correct IP address of the module in the search bar of the internet browser to ac-
cess the web interface of the AXM-WEB2
The user will be redirected to a web page prompting to select the Access Level and enter
appropriate password for that level.
level is ideal for users who need only to take readings and view status from the
The default password for the User level is
It is recommended that no more than 5 users are logged in at the same time for this level
to ensure optimal performance of web interface.
level is ideal for users who need access to configurations on the meter or the
web interface and to view readings.
The default password for the Admin level is