NOTE: We recommend that the installation of this fuel pump be
done at a qualified and licensed installation center by a licensed/
certified technician. Installation of this product requires handling
of gasoline. Ensure you are working in a well ventilated area with
an approved fire extinguisher nearby. Extinguish all open flames,
prohibit smoking and eliminate all sources of ignition in the area
of the vehicle before proceeding with the installation.
You are about to start working on the vehicle’s fuel system that when
opened, can be highly flammable. DO NOT ATTEMP THE WORK
ARE PRESENT. Extinguish all open flames; do not allow smoking and
or any other type of flame ignition in the area where the vehicle is
being worked on before proceeding with the installation. A working
Fire Extinguisher must be present/nearby during the installation.
Always remember that the fuel system is under pressure even if
engine has not been started during a lengthy period. Safely relieve
all pressure before attempting to open the fuel system. Refer to the
vehicle’s service manual for the proper procedure.
Vehicle Electrical System Check
• Before attempting to install this fuel pump, you must check the fac
tory wiring for the proper wire gauge thickness that supplies power
to the pump. The factory fuel pump wiring may not be sufficient to
handle the current draw of this high performance fuel pump. We rec
ommend the use of an aftermarket wiring kit. Please refer to page 4.
• If you use the existing electrical pump connector in your tank, you
must ensure that the polarity is correct for your new pump. If neces
sary, re-pin the existing connector or use the included connector. If
you use the new connector included in the kit. Make sure to solder
the connections and use shrink tubing to protect the connection.
• The ACCEL THRUSTER 500 pump is the same physical size as
many OEM in-tank pumps. This does not necessarily mean it is
suitable for a particular application. Consult the ACCEL application
guide first to determine if a THRUSTER Pump is recommended for
your car, before proceeding with installation.
• The fuel pump basket or integral in-tank baffling may require
modifications to allow sufficient inflow of fuel from the main tank.
Failure of the basket or baffling to remain full of fuel during high
engine load may significantly diminish the pump’s performance.
• Installing a new factory down-stream filter is HIGHLY recommend
ed when installing this pump, and it should be monitored and ser
viced as needed to ensure fuel pump performance and service life.
• Your new ACCEL Fuel Pump is only one component part of your
automobile’s complete fuel system. You must ensure the complete
fuel system is up to the task of supplying fuel to your engine for
the specific horse power needs to avoid severe engine damage.
Contact ACCEL if you have questions regarding your complete fuel
system needs and requirements.
Note: Failure to follow the above recommendations may result in
fuel leakage, bursting of the fuel lines, poor vehicle performance
and/or decreased fuel pump life! Improper installation will void
all warranties for this product!
Compatible Fuels – Race Fuel – Ethanol – E85- E95
• Due to the dielectric properties of Alcohol fuels like E85,
fuel pump service life will be reduced and filter maintenance
increased. Be certain alcohol compatible filters are installed and
frequently maintained.
ACCEL has made available specific application information inform
ing what known vehicles have a fuel pump form-factor that is com
patible with the ACCEL THRUSTER 500 pumps.
Please find the application MML guide on our website at www.
accel-ignition.com under the Support tab. Always check for prod
uct instruction/operation updates on our website before installing
the product.
For those familiar with purchasing aftermarket fuel pumps for
installation as a replacement for the stock fuel pump, selecting the
correct THRUSTER 500 pump is easy.
Note: P/N’s 75340, 75341, 75342
and 75169 are configured as universal, in-tank replacement pumps,
and feature the same form-factor (external dimensions) as 4 popular
255 LPH fuel pumps commonly sold under P/N’s GSS340, GSS341,
GSS342 and 111169 respectively.
There are many applications where
these common, 255 LPH pumps are used effectively in the stock tank,
without major modifications, and those same applications may work
as well with the new ACCEL THRUSTER 500 Pumps.
To ease the determination of which ACCEL THRUSTER 500 pump
may be used as an alternative, note that the last 2-digits of the
ACCEL THRUSTER 500 Series part numbers correspond to the last
two digits of the 4 common, 255 LPH pumps. For those that know
which of the 255 LPH pumps will work in their tank, simply select
the ACCEL THRUSTER 500 pump with the same last 2-digits.
For example, the 255 LPH GSS340 and the ACCEL 75340 will have
similar form-factor and application.
There are many applications where the ACCEL Pumps (and the
same form factor 255 LPH pumps) will not work as a direct replace
ment. In these cases it is likely that some modifications have been
made to the tank, the internal basket or baffling, and/or the fuel
level sending unit to perform the installation.
ACCEL neither sanctions or approves any modifications be made
inside the tank to install one of these pumps, and any modifications
that are made are done so at the sole discretion of the purchaser/
installer, with no guarantee of pump performance, service life, or
assurance of compatibility made by ACCEL.
Note: Flow tests are done in a test lab. Length, inner diameter of
fuel line/hose and amount of sharp bends in the line can diminish
its flow rating. As a rule of thumb, consider utilizing 85% of the
pump’s flow rating as a safety factor/cushion. Always remember;
the fewer bends in the line, the fewer 90 deg fittings used and the
shorter the line is from the pump to the engine will allow for more
fuel to get to your injectors.
ACCEL Thruster 500 Fuel Pumps
PART NO. 75169, 75340, 75341, 75342