Place the REFOS unit carefully in the slot provided on gauge foot.
The magnets will ensure the device is connected correctly in place if placed slowly. The
REFOS unit may be fitted on either side of the gauge as required (see Figure 3).
The phone holder provided with the DLLHS gauge can be fitted on the ball mount present
above the stagger adjustment wheel.
Battery Pack
A 2.4Ah battery pack and mains charger is supplied as standard with the ABT8000. The battery
compartment can be accessed by lifting the lid on the vertical beam of the gauge. Up to 8 hours of
gauge usage is available from a fully charged battery pack. The mains charger has an LED
indicator which can help identify the state of the battery level when plugged in (Yellow = charge
initiation, Orange = fast charging, Green + Yellow flash = top-off charge & Green = trickle charge).
Figure 3 – REFOS unit is held on magnetically
Figure 4 NiMH Battery Pack and Mains Charger