In dire situations, a dab of solder, hot glue or shrink wrap can ensure the wires are properly
Check the wire was done properly by testing its continuity/conductivity with a multi-meter
(use the meter in diode mode and place the leads on either end of the cable. If the screen
shows a value or beeps, your connection is good.)
Figure 3 - Button Ground Wire
You will need 1 of these. Make sure all are working before proceeding.
Follow the same steps as above except for stripping and tying 2 wires together before crimping
leaving only 1 female connector at the end for the Raspberry-Pi. Color-coding is a good idea here.
This cable is for grounding all the buttons together. Make sure to check the continuity at each
connection node and the whole length of the cable.
Figure 4 - Joystick Ground Wire
You will need 1 of these. Make sure all are working before proceeding.