Launchpad is a unique controller for Ableton Live, designed by Ableton and Novation. This ‘Getting
Started Guide’ will help you set up your Launchpad and briefl y introduce its capabilities. It should be
noted that Launchpad is not restricted to use just within Ableton Live 8. For use with Applications other
than Ableton Live, the Novation Automap Software can be used (See the end of this guide).
insTALL ABLETOn LivE sOfTwArE & drivErs
The DVD contains a folder called ‘INSTALL SOFTWARE & DRIVERS’:
Windows & Mac OS Set-up
STEP 1: Install ‘Novation USB Drivers’
STEP 2: Install Ableton Live 8 ‘Launchpad’ Edition
STEP 3: In Live’s ‘Help’ menu go to ‘Check for Updates’ and download the latest version
hArdwArE sET-Up
Connect your Launchpad to an available USB port on your Mac or PC Computer using the supplied
USB cable. Up to Six devices connected simultaneously are supported in Ableton Live 8 (NOTE: using
multiple Launchpad devices may require a powered USB Hub not supplied).
insTALL LAUnchpAd dEMO sEssiOn
STEP 1: On your DVD navigate to Content>Launchpad Demo Project and double-click ‘Launchpad Demo’
STEP 2: You will be asked to save the Live Pack to your Local Hard Drive
STEP 3: Once the Live Pack has been successfully installed, Load Ableton Live
STEP 4: Choose ‘File>Open Live set...’ and navigate to the ‘LaunchadDemo’ session on your local drive.
gETTing sTArTEd gUidE