ABEM Terraloc Pro 2
Figure 50 Threshold adjustments
4.6.7 The Geophone Test Result Dialog
This geophone test records the response from the geophones to an impulse signal. A
DC-current is sent to the geophones dislocating the seismic mass of the geophone.
When the DC-current is switched off, the mass performs a damped oscillation with its
resonance frequency while it comes to rest. Thus, you will get a report on the maximum
amplitude of the response and resonance frequency.
The recording of the response starts just before the DC-current is switched off. The
response is recorded and SeisTW then analysis the recorded test data and determines
the status of each channel.
After the analysis of the data has been performed the result is displayed as a normal
record and as a report-log in a
Textfile Viewer
dialog. Furthermore these results are also
saved in the current working directory as a record in SG2-format and as a report in text
format. The files have file extensions of “.sg2” and “.log” respectively. The filename
pattern is: TEST_xxxx-n where xxxx is the current record number and n is a serial
Starting the geophone test, which eventually displays the
Geophone Test Result
Press <SHIFT> + <ARM>