Protections | 16 - Logic selectivity
85 | © 2020 ABB | 1SDH001821A1002 - ECN000135670
16 - Logic selectivity
Zone Selectivity via Link Bus is indicated as Logic Selectivity.
Logic Selectivity can be actuated for up to 12 of 15 actors that can be associated with Ekip Touch via Link
Bus (see
Ekip Link
module, page 162).
The function enabling parameter, available from among the parameters that can be set for the protection,
must be set for each protection for which Zone Selectivity must be activated.
In this case, in addition to these parameters, Selectivity time is also activated for the setting.
Otherwise, Zone Selectivity can only be set by means of Ekip Connect software.
all the following parameters and configurations are available via Ekip Connect, with
Ekip Link connected and on
Certain parameters can be configured in the
Ekip Link configuration
• selection of selectivity type: hardware or mixed (hardware and logic)
• entry of the IP address of each actor present; entry of the address enables the configuration parameters
and status indicators to be displayed in the various pages
• the function must be enabled for each actor associated with Ekip Touch via Link Bus and for which logic
selectivity must be actuated (the
Actor Selectivity
parameter must be given value:
selectivity masks
are available in the
Ekip Link advanced selectivity
page for each actor present: the mask
allows the protections of the actors (S, I, 2I, MCR, G, D-Forward, D-Backward, S2, Gext, MDGF) that activate
the selectivity input of Ekip Touch to be selected (example: actor 1, protection mask S= S2: selectivity S of
Ekip Touch will be active in the presence of signals S2 of actor 1).
In this configuration, if the function is enabled for S protection and is in the alarm status, the S/D-Forward
hardware block signal and the logic selectivity S bit are activated on the output; depending on the block
• if, on the input, the S/D-Forward hardware block signal and the logic selectivity S2 bit of actor 1 is not
activated, the open command is sent in accordance with the selectivity time set for S protection
• a time equal to the trip time of S protection is waited if, on the input, the S/D-Forward hardware block signal
is activated or mixed selectivity has been selected and the S2 logic selectivity bit of actor 1 is activated
(and the open command is only sent if S protection is still in the alarm status once this time has elapsed)
the logic selectivity bits on the output and on the input are those in the data packages shared
by the releases via Link Bus
the S/D-Forward (G/D-Backward) hardware output is only activated if the S or D-Forward
(G or D-Backward) protections are in the alarm status, and the S/DForward (G/D-Backward)
hardware input only acts as a block for the S and D-Forward (G and D-Backward) protections,
regardless of whether solely hardware or mixed selectivity has been selected
IMPORTANT: if solely hardware selectivity has been selected, the logic selectivity
bits are ignored on the input, but are still activated on the output
Selectivity masks
Remote Programmable States A and B
are also included in the
selectivity masks
: these 2 parameters,
which are available in the
Ekip Link configuration
page, enable the event (or combination of several events)
and reference actor that activates the selectivity input to be selected.
2 further states are available,
, but they cannot be configured for Zone Selectivity. All 4 programmable
states are used for the Programmable Logic function (see
Ekip Link
module on page 162).
the Programmable Logic function is independent from that of Zone Selectivity