Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A200-L
8 Disassembly and assembly / 8.8 Dismantling the gas inlet casing,
nozzle ring (A280-L)
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Revision M
August 2018
Dismantling the gas inlet casing, nozzle ring
Dismantling the gas inlet casing (A280-L) – screwed variant
Fig. 41: Dismantling the gas inlet casing (A280-L) – screwed variant
If one of the screws (61009) shears off when loosening, an ABB Turbocharging Service
Station should be contacted.
1. Dismantle both halves of the insulation segment (51215) and remove with all fixing ele-
2. Detach flange connection between gas inlet casing (51001) and bellows.
3. Loosen and remove all but two opposite screws (61009).
4. Fit two guide studs (90317) in the upper area on the gas outlet casing (61001).
5. Loop lifting gear around gas inlet casing.
6. Loosen remaining screws and carefully move out gas inlet casing.
7. Fit supports (90481,90482) on gas inlet casing and put down casing.
8. Remove the guide studs.