Pos : 15 /Busc h-J aeg er (Neustr ukt ur)/Modul- Struktur /O nline-Dokument ati on/Steuermodul e - Onli ne-D okument ation (--> F ür all e D okument e <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenumbruc h ++++++++++++ @ 9\ mod_1268898668093_0.doc x @ 52149 @ @ 1
Pos : 22 /Busc h-J aeg er (Neustr ukt ur)/Modul- Struktur /O nline-Dokument ati on/Übersc hrift en (--> Für alle D okument e <--)/2. Ebene/ G - L/ Last arten @ 20\ mod_1326269704379_15. doc x @ 136905 @ 2 @ 1
The lift control modules include the M adaptor (M2306) and lift control relay module (M2307). These
two devices together ensure that lift (elevator) only goes to authorized floor(s).
If a resident presses the "unlock" button when receiving a guest's call from the outdoor station, or the
authorized user swipes the registered card or enters correct password, the lift (elevator) will
automatically go down to the floor where the outdoor station is installed. The lift (elevator) will then
go to the dedicated floor where that resident lives. It cannot go to unauthorized floors, even when
other buttons are pressed.
The configuration should be done through the dedicated configuration software by connecting the M
adaptor to a computer.