“Operation and installation manual”
9.3.6 Safety equipment and tools
The below table shows the required tools and equipment’s that are necessary to perform the steps of the total
de-energization procedure.
For safety reasons, service engineers shall check the functionality of the tools before start of work.
Tools and Equipment
Voltage detector (EN 61243-2)
Duspol Digital 1,2kVdc 1kVac (suggested)
Safety tags “DO NOT OPERATE”
Safety tags “DO NOT OPERATE” with identification data (Name -
Company - P. Ph number)
Safety Padlocks
Padlocks used to secure the Lockout Tagout device in place.
Grounding kit (IEC 61230)
Suggested kit composition:
• Dehn: KFP 20 M10 (p/n: 754205)
• Dehn: KFP 20 M12 (p/n: 754200)
• Dehn : KKH 20 FS (p/n: 772312)
• Dehn: UK 25 SK (p/n: 773 034)
• Dehn: EKV4u1 16 G (four poles earthing and short-circuiting device)
9.3.7 Total de-energization procedure
1. Preliminary control
Make sure that the unit must be turned on.
2. Identification of AC external main source
Clearly identified the external AC main breaker with the plant manager cooperation and, if necessary, by
functionality test of it.
3. Operate the main AC external source isolation and secure
Turn off the external AC main breaker and carry out a LOTO.
4. Functionality check
Check that the charger is shut down.
5. Operate the main AC external breaker
Turn off the external AC main breaker.
6. Main Voltage absence check
Check the absence of voltage below the main breaker of the EVSE, using the dedicated holes
The verification must be carried out through the dedicated holes
in the Main AC protection barriers
using the voltage detector by checking between phases to ground and respectively between them.