IO Configurator 6
*Safety configuration problem with PROFIsafe Controller or CIP-Safety scanner
Changing safety settings in Visual SafeMove or IO Configurator 6 does not always work in conjunction
with the "PROFISafe controller" or "CIP-Safety Scanner" option. Connection with robot controller can be
lost during any IO-configuration, sometimes resulting in that the Flex Pendant reboots. Again this is only
applicable when the PROFISafe controller or CIP-Safety scanner option is present in the system. Problem
is dependent on how many devices are configured on respective industrial network. I.e. EtherNet/IP or
Port speed cannot be set at the same time as 'Obtain IP address automatically'
In the Public Network settings dialog the Port speed drop down menu is disabled when 'Obtain IP
address automatically' is selected.
1. Select 'Use the following IP address' and specify any valid IP address.
2. Select the desired port speed and press OK.
3. Select 'Obtain IP address automatically' and press OK.
Individual RAPID tasks cannot be stopped for RobotWare 5.60 and later
When running multitasking systems, it is not possible to start and stop individual tasks with the
dropdown menu of the task node in the Controller browser. This is due a restriction introduced with
RobotWare 5.60 and later.
Individual RAPID tasks cannot be stopped for RobotWare 5.60 and later
When running multitasking systems, it is not possible to start and stop individual tasks with the
dropdown menu of the task node in the Controller browser. This is due a restriction introduced with
RobotWare 5.60 and later. However, from RobotWare 6.03 onwards, then RAPID tasks to execute or to
stop can be selected from RobotStudio RAPID tab.
FlexPendant Viewer running with automatic reloading
When having FlexPendant Viewer running with automatic reloading of the screens and at the same time
jogging the robot with the joystick the robot jogging might halt when the FlexPendant Viewer reloads.
Online – Paint
Backup for Paint systems does not create backup of the PIB for IRC5P with RobotWare 5.xx
The Backup function of RobotStudio does not create a backup of the PIB board of the IRC5P system
when running RobotWare 5.xx. Workaround: Create the backup of the PIB board with the FlexPaint
Pendant using an USB-stick.
Go Offline does not work for Paint systems
The Go offline function will not create a working Virtual controller system for Paint system unless the
Paint package I/O option is set to Simulated.
Online – Integrated Vision
Installation error when having previous versions of RobotStudio or Insight Explorer
If you have a previous version of RobotStudio or Cognex In-Sight software installed, installing a new
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