Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection (PIOC, 50)
Test/Function status/Current/InstPhaseOverCurrent(PIOC)/IOC
Displays up to three instances of IOC with four measurements per instance showing
the trip status in general and per phase.
Four step phase overcurrent protection (POCM, 51/67)
Test/Function status/Current/.PhaseOverCurrent4Step(POCM)/POCM
Displays instances of POCM with 41 measurements per instance. These
measurements are primarily trip and start signal indications from each phase and from
the various steps in the protection scheme.
Four step single phase overcurrent protection (POCM, 51)
Test/Function status/Current/PhaseOverCurrent4Step1Ph(POCM)/OCxx
Displays up to 24 instances of OCxx with trip, start and second harmonic data.
Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection (PIOC, 50N)
Test/Function status/Current/InstResidualOverCurrent(PIOC)/IEF
Displays up to three instances of IEF with one trip value per instance.
Four step residual overcurrent protection (PEFM, 51N/67N)
Test/Function status/Current/ResidualOverCurrent4Step(PEFM)/TEF
Displays up to three instances of TEF with 15 measurements per instance.The
measurements indicate trip and start signal status as well as the 2nd harmonic block
signal status.
Thermal overload protection, two time constants (PTTR, 49)
Test/Function status/Current protection/
Displays up to three instances of TTR with 12 measurements per instance. The
measurements show trip data, start signal status, time to reset, alarm signals and
Breaker failure protection (RBRF, 50BF)
Test/Function status/Current protection/BreakerFailure(RBRF)/BFP
Section 11
Test the IED
RET 670
Operator's manual
1MRK504049-UEN rev. D