Non-affected function views
... view
Customer 61850 model
IEC15000503 V2 EN-US
Figure 20:
L1PTOC mapped to FunctionB and L2PTOC mapped to FunctionA
Mapping possibilities and requirements
GUID-AA4E0570-D874-4B82-84A5-729644C67626 v1
The mapping between the IED model and the customer model provides a set of possibilities but also
include some requirements.
The mapping is possible at several levels in the structure:
Logical Node level (LN to LN)
Data Object level (DO to DO)
Data Attribute level (DA to DA).
Custom logical device name (LDName) can be used for addressing.
When the mapping is performed there are some requirements that must be fulfilled between the IED
model and the customer model:
One attribute in the customer model can only be mapped to one attribute in the IED model.
However one attribute in the IED model can be mapped to several attributes in the
customer model.
The functional constraint (FC) of the data attributes must match.
The basic type of the data attributes must match.
Trigger options of the data attributes must match.
The version of the IEC 61850 standard must match.
Number of data sets must not exceed the maximum number of data sets that the IED supports.
There are also some consequences that must be thought about when doing the mapping for
If two DOs in one LN in the customer model are mapped to DOs in different LNs in the IED
model the DOs in the customer model might be inconsistent with respect to quality in the case of
different operational states of the IED Functions.
When several LNs in the customer model are mapped to one function in the IED, the Mod of the
function will affect all the customer LNs
Section 9
1MRK 511 441-UEN Rev. C
Flexible product naming
Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO
Communication protocol manual
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