The LN LPHD is a special logical node per LD and contains data objects that describe the status
of the physical device (the IED)
Each logical node represents a function and contains a number of data objects (DO)
Each DO includes a number of data attributes (DA)
The data objects represent information signals that may be routed to station level IEDs or to other
bay IEDs that are communicating via GOOSE. The signal engineering task is to select the requested
signals (DOs) and link them to the client IEDs as receiver. When using a dataset for MMS, the
requested signals are DOs but when creating a dataset for GOOSE messaging, DAs are used.
The number of data objects and data attributes per DO is defined by the used LN type in the IED.
The content of logical node types and DO types is defined in the DataTypeTemplates. This also
means that the definitions in the DataTypeTemplates section have to be unique within an SCD file.
Tool concept
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The IEC 61850-6 defines a number of roles for tools. In the Relion
series, PCM600 is defined as the
IED tool, and IET600 is defined as the system engineering tool.
The sections in SCL contain properties that are to be configured by these tools. There is no relation
between one section and one specific tool. The task of the IED tool is to configure all properties for
the IED, while the system tool has the task to define the place of the IED in the system and its
communication dependencies. For example, the plant structure in PCM600 results in the subsystem
section in SCL regarding the subsystem structure down to the IED level. The PCM600 also
configures the IED section as a result of the IED configuration. In PCM600, the configuration
properties for SCL are handled automatically as a result of the configuration, except for the GOOSE
data sets.
IEC 61850 engineering with PCM600, PCM600 IEC 61850 Configuration tool and/or IET600
When an IED is instantiated, its place in the plant structure creates the corresponding structure
in the substation section in SCL. The communication facilities are also created in the
communication section.
The functionality of the IED is configured by using ACT in PCM600. For each function, the
corresponding logical device and logical node(s) are created in the IED section together with its
type definition in the data type template section.
The above forms the IED capabilities from a communication perspective and will then be
included in the file exported from PCM600 as SCD, ICD, IID and CID file.
PCM600: IEC 61850 Configuration tool
Included in PCM600 is the IEC 61850 Configuration tool which allows the user to define data
sets and control blocks for both Client Server and GOOSE communication.
The IEC 61850 Configuration tool gives the user the possibility to make the IEC 61850
engineering without export / import step.
It does NOT however allow the User to define the substation part.The
substation part follows the plant structure in PCM and can not be defined in this
tool. A system tool can redefine the substation part.
Open a SCD file or import/merge a SCD, ICD or CID file for the particular IED(s).
For each IED, the user defines the datasets, the control blocks for reporting (this means
unbuffered/buffered reporting and GOOSE) and the properties for each report control block.
1MRK 511 441-UEN Rev. C
Section 3
Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)
Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO
Communication protocol manual
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