Setting group
Nearly all settings used by the protection relay for protection application functions are
organized into a group of settings. Up to six setting groups can be configured with
different values.
The protection relay supports the selection of a setting group at runtime.
Parameter import and export
The parameter export and import function can be used, for example, when the
protection relay's parameters are set using the WHMI instead of PCM600. The relay
settings engineered with PCM600 can be exported to XRIO files and imported to the
WHMI, which can be used to write the settings to the protection relays. The WHMI
can also be used to read the relay setting parameters and to export those to files, which
can be used by PCM600.
The setting export and import are sensitive to the protection relay's
content. Settings are exported and imported for one protection relay at
a time. The export files of a protection relay can be exchanged
between PCM600, WHMI and the actual physical IED. To avoid
errors and to efficiently manage the setting export and import, for
example, in a substation with several protection relays, ensure that the
names of the export files identify the protection relay to which the file
should be imported.
The parameter import and export functionality is available via the File menu when the
Parameter Setting tool is open.
GUID-10CB0AFA-3283-4D82-81D7-EC7CA53BA00D V1 EN
Figure 59:
Parameter import and export
Section 5
1MRS759117 A
Protection and control engineering
Engineering Manual