The fault locator is an impedance measuring function giving
the distance to the fault in km, miles or % of line length. The
main advantage is the high accuracy achieved by
compensating for load current and for the mutual zero-
sequence effect on double circuit lines.
The compensation includes setting of the remote and local
sources and calculation of the distribution of fault currents
from each side. This distribution of fault current, together with
recorded load (pre-fault) currents, is used to exactly calculate
the fault position. The fault can be recalculated with new
source data at the actual fault to further increase the
Especially on heavily loaded long lines, where the source
voltage angles can be up to 35-40 degrees apart, the
accuracy can be still maintained with the advanced
compensation included in fault locator.
Event counter with limit supervison L4UFCNT
GUID-13157EAB-1686-4D2E-85DF-EC89768F3572 v6
The Limit counter (L4UFCNT) provides a settable counter with
four independent limits where the number of positive and/or
negative flanks on the input signal are counted against the
setting values for limits. The output for each limit is activated
when the counted value reaches that limit.
Overflow indication is included for each up-counter.
Running hour-meter TEILGAPC
GUID-464FB24F-B367-446C-963A-A14841943B87 v2
The Running hour-meter (TEILGAPC) function is a function
that accumulates the elapsed time when a given binary signal
has been high.
The main features of TEILGAPC are:
• Applicable to very long time accumulation (≤ 99999.9
• Supervision of limit transgression conditions and rollover/
• Possibility to define a warning and alarm with the
resolution of 0.1 hours
• Retain any saved accumulation value at a restart
• Possibilities for blocking and reset
• Possibility for manual addition of accumulated time
• Reporting of the accumulated time
Estimation of transformer winding insulation life LOLSPTR
GUID-CDE89397-8E99-4873-9701-FF642101A308 v2
Estimation of transformer winding insulation life (LOLSPTR) is
used to calculate transformer winding hot spot temperature
using the empirical formulae. It is also used to estimate
transformer loss of life from the winding hot spot temperature
value. The transformer winding insulation is degraded when
the winding hot spot temperature exceeds certain limit.
LOLSPTR gives warning and alarm signals when the winding
hot spot temperature reaches a set value.
Hot spot temperature calculation requires top oil temperature
at a given time. This value can either be a measured value
taken through sensors or the one calculated by the function.
This decision is made based on the top oil temperature
sensor quality. Top oil temperature calculation is done using
the method explained in IEC 60076-7 standard.
Inputs required for hot spot temperature calculation are:
• Transformer oil time constant
• Winding time constant
• Loss ratio at different tap positions
• Ambient temperature around the transformer
The oil and winding time constants can be calculated by the
function based on transformer parameters if the inputs are
not available from the transformer manufacturer.
Ambient temperature to the function can either be provided
through the sensor or monthly average ambient temperature
settings. This decision is made based on the ambient
temperature sensor quality. Additionally, LOLSPTR function
provides difference between measured value and calculated
value of the top oil temperature.
Additionally, the function calculates loss of life in form of days
and years. This information is updated at settable intervals,
for example, hourly or daily. Transformer winding percentage
loss of life is calculated every day and the information is
provided as total percentage loss of life from the installation
date and yearly percentage loss of life.
15. Metering
Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT
M13394-3 v7
Pulse-counter logic (PCFCNT) function counts externally
generated binary pulses, for instance pulses coming from an
external energy meter, for calculation of energy consumption
values. The pulses are captured by the binary input module
and then read by the PCFCNT function. A scaled service
value is available over the station bus. The special Binary
input module with enhanced pulse counting capabilities must
be ordered to achieve this functionality.
Function for energy calculation and demand handling
GUID-6898E29B-DA70-421C-837C-1BBED8C63A7A v3
Power system measurement (CVMMXN) can be used to
measure active as well as reactive power values. Function for
energy calculation and demand handling (ETPMMTR) uses
measured active and reactive power as input and calculates
the accumulated active and reactive energy pulses, in forward
and reverse direction. Energy values can be read or
generated as pulses. Maximum demand power values are
also calculated by the function. This function includes zero
point clamping to remove noise from the input signal. As
output of this function: periodic energy calculations,
integration of energy values, calculation of energy pulses,
alarm signals for limit violation of energy values and maximum
power demand, can be found.
1MRK 511 404-BEN A
Bay control REC670 2.2
Product version: 2.2.1