Safety instructions for the inverter compartment
Perform the procedure below before starting work on the inverters. Ignoring the
instructions can cause physical injury or death, or damage to the equipment.
Identify the inverter which you need to work on. Read the inverter safety instructions.
See section
Disconnect both inverters from all power supplies (PV generator, transformer and AUX),
and secure by locking and tagging.
Stop the inverters. Open the DC disconnecting switches [Q1] of both inverter units
([PVS1] and [PVS2]), lock and add warning notices.
Open the AC breakers [Q2] of both inverter units ([PVS1] and [PVS2]), lock and
add warning notices. After disconnection of the inverters, always wait for 5 minutes
to let the intermediate circuit capacitors to discharge.
Switch off auxiliary power to both inverters from the auxiliary cabinet. If the auxiliary
system requires work, switch off the power supply for the auxiliary cabinet. Lock
and add warning notices.
Open the MV breaker or switch fuse combination at the transformer side of the
switchgear. Lock and add a warning notice.
Turn the disconnector switch (if any) at the transformer side of the switchgear to
open position. Lock and add a warning notice.
Disconnect all inverter DC supplies. The DC disconnectors are usually located in
the junction boxes on the solar field. Lock and add warning notices.
Check that all shrouds and screens are in place. A shroud or screen may only be
removed if it is a requirement to reach the parts which you are currently working on.
Check that you will not be near to any live parts while working. Disconnect live circuits
or protect with shrouds/screens.
Check that the circuit is dead at AC and DC terminals of the inverters and other
accessible parts in the main circuit. Use a multimeter with suitable testing heads.
Temporarily ground both inverters’ ([PVS1] and [PVS2]) AC and DC sides with an
appropriate temporary grounding set.
Issue a work permit.
Safe operation
This section contains the safety instructions which you must follow when operating the
inverter station. If ignored, physical injury or death may follow, or damage may occur to the
Keep the door of the inverter station locked while the inverter station is operating.
Allow access to the keys to authorized personnel only.
Safety instructions 11