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5 - Installation
ireless signal environmental checks
The inverter can be commissioned and monitored using the wireless
communication channel. The WLAN board of the inverter uses radio
waves to transmit and receive data, it is therefore important to assess
this factor in order to have optimal installation.
Walls in reinforced cement and surfaces covered in metal (doors,
shutters, etc.) can markedly reduce the reach of the device which
even in optimal conditions, should be of approximately 40 metres
free space.
It is therefore recommended that before installing the inverter, the
strength of the wireless signal is checked, using a mobile device
(smartphone, tablet or notebook) and connecting to the wireless router
from a position which is close to the installation site of the inverter.
The radio signal level between the inverter and the wireless router can be
improved in a number of ways:
1. Find a new position for the router considering the different types of
materials which the radio signal will have to pass through:
Relative signal reduction
Open field
0% (strength of approximately 40 metres)
Wood / Glass
From 0 to 10%
Stone / Plywood
From 10 to 40%
Reinforced concrete
From 60 to 90%
Up to 100 %
The quality of the RF signal can be assessed during the installation stage
where the signal is displayed in dBm.
2. Install a wireless signal repeater and place it in an area between the
inverter and the router, trying to make sure that the most critical obstacles
are avoided.