Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
The PQF-Manager user interface 97
When any of these symbols is visible, the user can scroll down/up beyond the limit of the
screen. The item list will be adjusted accordingly.
To come back (up) in the menu ladder or to quit any screen, the
button available in
each screen (top right corner) should be used.
When a menu button is selected, any submenu under it appears in the screen.
The ‘Select Unit’-function
is accessible at different places in the menu
structure and allows selecting the measurements and data as reported by
different units in a multi-unit filter system.
Figure 75: Illustration of different menu item types
The next sections discuss the four main submenus of the ‘Welcome’ screen.
This manual uses a directory structure convention to indicate a submenu.
The main ‘Welcome’ screen is referenced as [/Welcome].
Example: [/Welcome/Measurements/System values] indicates that the ‘System values’
menu can be accessed by:
button (on the top right corner of any screen) successively until the
‘Welcome’ screen is reached
Press the ‘Measurements’ menu in the main ‘Welcome’ screen which opens the
‘Measurements’ menu.
Similarly, other submenus can be opened by pressing the respective button.
In all menus as well as sub menu, the help symbol
is present which offers a user
friendly contextual help. If this icon is touched, its color changes to yellow
and the
user is then expected to touch any button for which a help is required. A new window
pops-up with a brief explanation about that button which was touched by the user. For
example, is a help on the "Voltage" button is requested in the menu "System Values",
following help will appear: