Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
Operating instructions 199
Stocked or non-operational filters should be reformed once a year. The method
described here assumes that the filter is stocked in a clean and dry environment.
To reform the capacitors,
Switch on the power supply to the filter without starting the filter for about 2
hours. Verify with the PQF-Manager the DC capacitor voltage and ensure that it
is charges to a couple of hundred volts.
Then, with all harmonics and reactive power and balancing functionality
deselected, start the active filter and leave it running for one hour.
The filter is now ready for normal operation
If the filter has been left more than 2 years without operation, please contact your ABB
service provider.
10.7 Servicing report
The Servicing report is designed to help the person in charge of servicing.
The report can be used for each individual unit of a multi-unit filter.