180 The PQF-Manager user interface
Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
LV Active Filters PQF
Issued by:
Commissioning report
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of the manual for more information on this topic.
8.11.3 Programming
Apply voltage to the filter
Restore the filter internal protection grid
Close the auxiliary circuit fuse box
Close filter door
Apply voltage to the active filter (restore upstream protection)
PQF-Manager booting and showing ‘Welcome’ screen (or standby screen on master
units running as slave)
Fans start running
Program equipment
Network characteristics
Supply voltage (V)
Supply frequency (Hz)
Synchro mode (should normally not be changed, default value is Three ph.)
CT position and ratio (for first unit)
Automatic detection feature used
Filter terminal ‘Input 1’ is connected to the CT (including sign)
Line 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3
Filter terminal ‘Input 2’ is connected to the CT (including sign)
Line 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3
Filter terminal ‘Input 3’ is connected to the CT (including sign)
Line 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3
Ratio of CT installed in line L1 (R, U)
Ratio of CT installed in line L2 (Y, V)
Ratio of CT installed in line L3 (B, W)
CT position and ratio for other units of a multi-unit filter system is ok?
Rating factor (temp > 40°C/104°F or altitude > 1000m/3300ft or…)
Rating (%)
Configure digital inputs if applicable
For full redundancy, configure/cable digital inputs on all masters of a multi-master
Configure digital outputs if applicable
For full redundancy, configure/cable digital outputs on all masters of a multi-master
Configure programmable warnings if applicable
For full redundancy, configure programmable warnings on all masters of a multi-
master system(f)
Configure programmable alarms if applicable
For full redundancy, configure programmable alarms on all masters of a multi-
master system(g)