2101510 Rev. AG
Page 5–13
Do not remove the NGC board-mounted lithium battery or the
termination panel cable at this time. Removing the lithium
battery will cause a cold start and that may not be desirable.
When replacing the lithium battery, the termination panel
cable must remain connected to power the digital controller
assembly; otherwise, the unit will cold start. The user will
receive specific instructions during each procedure if either
cable should be unplugged.
To reassemble, perform steps 3–5 in reverse order, being careful to align the
display screen horizontally before tightening screw.
5.13 Replacing Digital Controller Complete Assembly
Access to the digital controller assembly is gained by removing the front-mounted
digital controller assembly from the analytical module.
As with all electronic components, caution should be used
when handling boards. Static electricity can potentially damage
board components, voiding any warranty.
5.13.1 Instructions
On the Analyzer Operation
screen, click
under Next Mode. When the unit
completes the current cycle and enters hold, continue to the next step.
Collect data from the unit.
Back up the configuration files, following the instructions detailed previously in
the section,
Backing Up Configuration Files (Save)
Turn off all sample streams, calibration gas and carrier gas.
Disconnect or remove the power from the NGC unit externally, or remove the J1
connector from the termination panel.
As with all electronic components, caution should be used
when handling boards. Static electricity can potentially damage
board components, voiding any warranty.
Following the instructions detailed in sub section,
, remove the assembly.
Unplug the termination panel to digital controller assembly flat ribbon cable,
leaving the lithium battery connected.