Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A150-M56/66/57/67 -
© Copyright 2020 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision P
March 2020
Table 1: Related documents .......................................... 5
Table 2: Weight of complete turbocharger unit...... 10
Table 3: Fitting the turbocharger, value X, L............ 16
Table 6: Lubricating oil temperature at the inlet... 26
Table 8: Tightening torque (86505).......................... 30
Table 9: Expected replacement intervals ................ 36
Table 10: Maintenance table ...................................... 39
Table 11: Parameters for wet cleaning of compressor
Table 15: Value table for soaking .............................. 54
Table 16: Tightening torque (81152 / 81154)........... 58
Table 18: Malfunctions when starting – Vibrations 59
Table 27: Malfunction – Turbocharger pumping ..... 63
Table 28: Malfunction – Sporadic surge blows ........ 63
Table 34: Swivel lifting eyes......................................... 67
Table 35: Press-off screws ........................................... 68
Table 36: Dismantling screw ....................................... 68
Table 37: Weights of assemblies ................................ 73
Table 38: Tightening torques ...................................... 75
Table 39: Tightening torques for insulation ............ 76
Table 40: 3 press-off screws ....................................... 83
Table 41: 6 press-off screws........................................ 84
Table 42: Tightening torque (90012-01).................... 89
Table 43: Permissible clearances A and B ................. 94
Table 44: Nozzle ring compression PD...................... 95
Table 45: Tightening torque (90012-01) ................... 98
Table 46: Tightening torque (51007) ......................... 99
Table 47: Tightening torque (79041) ....................... 100
Table 48: Tightening torque (72011) ....................... 101
Table 49: Permissible clearances N and R............... 104
Table 50: Tightening torque (51009)....................... 107
Table 51: Tightening torque (51009)........................ 108
Table 52: Tightening torque (72051)........................ 110
Table 53: Tightening torque (72054) ........................ 111
Table 54: Threaded rod, value X................................. 118
Table 55: Permissible clearances A and B ............... 122