14 - EN
3.3.5 Flowmeter primary in stainless steel design, model DE 21 and DE 23
Ground the stainless steel model as shown in the figure. The measuring agent is grounded via
the adapter (1) and an additional ground is not required.
Fig. 15
3.3.6 Ground for units with hard or soft rubber liners
For devices with meter sizes DN125 and larger, the liner contains a conductive element. This
element grounds the fluid.
3.3.7 Ground for devices with protective plates
The protective plates are used to protect the edges of the liner in the measuring tube, e.g., for
abrasive fluids. In addition, they function as a grounding plate.
• For plastic or pipes with insulating lining, electrically connect the protective plate in the same
manner as a grounding plate.
3.3.8 Ground with conductive PTFE grounding plate
For devices with a meter size between DN 10 … 150, grounding plates made of conductive
PTFE are available. These are installed similar to conventional grounding plates.