80 Program features
Torque trim connection
Torque trim is added at
and the final torque reference
after the trim addition is available in parameter 26.76 Torque reference act 6.
Frequency trim connection
Frequency trim is added at 28.02 Frequency ref ramp out and the final frequency
reference is generated after the trim addition. At the moment, no parameter is
available to see the final frequency reference after adding frequency trim.
: PID trim output auto connection is disabled in the firmware when the drive is
stopped with the
. In other words, PID trim output actual (
) will not be added to the respective speed, torque and frequency reference
chains during ramp stop or emergency stop.
Mechanical brake control
A mechanical brake can be used for holding the motor and driven machinery at zero
speed when the drive is stopped, or not powered. The brake control logic observes
the settings of parameter group
as well as several
external signals, and moves between the states presented in the diagram on
. The tables below the state diagram detail the states and transitions. The
shows an example of a close-open-close sequence.
Inputs of the brake control logic
The start command of the drive (bit 5 of
) is the main control
source of the brake control logic.
torque trim
28.02 Frequency ref ramp out
frequency trim
final frequency reference
ACS180 FW.book Page 80 Tuesday, March 9, 2021 2:25 PM