Operation Manual / 2 Safety / A100-L, A200-L
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© Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision C
August 2016
Absence of grounding on electrical installations
Missing or incorrectly fitted grounding conductors can lead to severe injury to
personnel or accidents resulting in fatalities.
Electric shock or elevated electromagnetic disturbances can damage or de-
stroy electrical and electronic components.
Ground electrical installations in a professional manner with grounding
Inspect grounding connections regularly and ensure they are properly
Switch off the power supply before working on electrical installations.
After switching off the power supply, wait for 5 minutes until the capacitors have dis-
charged and hot components have cooled.
Make sure that the power supply is switched off while working on electrical installations.
Do not carry out any tests with regard to insulation resistance or voltage on the electrical
Safe operation
Mechanical hazards during operation
During standard operation, no mechanical hazards are caused by the turbocharger itself if it
has been properly installed.
Safety during commissioning and operation
Visually inspect your working environment before starting work.
Remove any obstacles and objects littering the workplace.
Check all pipes to and from the turbocharger for damage and leaks before commissioning.
Check turbocharger for recognisable damage or defects every 12 hours of operation or at
least once a day.
Report any damage and any alterations of operational characteristics to the responsible
department immediately.
In case of damage, take the turbocharger out of operation immediately and safeguard
against accidental/unauthorised use.
When switching on operating energy supplies (hydraulics, pneumatics, electricity), pay
attention to the risks that may occur as a consequence of this energy input.