Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-L
Operation and service
Page 35 / 113
© Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision H
November 2016
Influencing parameters
The specified values are guideline values and are not guaranteed. The actual values can de-
viate considerably from the guideline values, for example, due to the following influences:
Fuel quality and fuel treatment
Load profile (thermal cycling, also number of starts/stops, emergency shutdowns, operat-
ing point)
Gas inlet temperature
Frequency and execution of cleaning process during operation
Turbocharger specification.
System-specific operating conditions (combustion quality, exhaust gas composition)
For bearing parts
Lubricating oil quality (oil filtering, oil condition, oil monitoring)
Load profile (speed, pressure conditions, temperature)
Number of starts/stops
Unbalance of the rotor (degree of contamination).
Flexible turbocharger cut-out
If the load is low, an engine which is charged by multiple turbochargers can be operated with
one turbocharger switched off. The flexible switch-on or switch-off of a turbocharger is referred
to as a "flexible turbocharger cut-out". In flexible systems, slide valves or flaps are installed by
the enginebuilder before the gas inlet and after the air outlet of the turbocharger. Depending
on the version of the system, the turbocharger can be switched off or on manually or automat-
ically. In all cases, you must observe the enginebuilder's recommendations.
The lubricating oil supply of the switched-off turbocharger must not be switched off due to the
engine vibrations. To ensure that there are no oil or gas leaks on the switched off turbo-
charger, it must be supplied with external sealing air.
The turbocharger may only be switched on or off while the engine is stopped or in idle mode.
Flexible turbocharger cut out
Improper manipulations can result in inadmissible turbocharger speeds
which can lead to serious damage to property with grave consequences.
The air outlet flap and gas inlet flap must be completely open during nor-
mal operation.
During cut out operation, the air outlet flap and gas inlet flap must be
completely closed.