Dedicated to supplying the best Slot Racing Products to Racers Worldwide
3 St James Terrace, Riding Mill, Northumberland, NE44 6ED England
Telephone 0044 (0) 1434-682475 - e-mail [email protected]
web sites - www.abslotsport.biz - www.abslotsport.com
SKYPE - abslotsport U.K. V.A.T. No. 910 9584 18
Thank you for purchasing the AB OG12 chassis. This chassis has undergone much development and we are
sure you will find this great chassis competitive and strong if you build it correctly.
Firstly lets take a look at the components. Using a dremel, take care cutting the components and trimming off
burrs from cut edges.
Please read the instructions all the way through before picking up your tools!
We recommend AB Chassis Solder and flux to assemble this kit.
Guide plate &
Guide spacer
Front upstop &
front pan upstop
plate.x 2
Front wheel
mount and pan
upstop plate
lock. x2
Pin tube mounts x 4
Centre spine
rear mount &
motor box over-
lay front key
Motor box overlay
Pan cross bar
Pan Straps x 4
Pan cross bar
Front & centre
Centre spine
When trimming
components ensure
to only trim joining
sprags and not the
Front pan Upstops
X 2
Note;- You will find 3 different “rail options” for this
chassis, all of which are easily changed when finding
which set up is good for your track. You can go -
1) Single 0.032” rails
2) Single 0.042” rails, or
3) Twin 0.032” rails without having to modify the cuts in
the chassis frame, just the wire and tube you use, so
read the instruction sheet in full before you start
building to ensure you understand your options!
Generally for “scale” type track you may find the twin
0.032” rail option best.