About Ear Temperature
Body temperature
The body temperature refers to the core temperature. This core body
temperature can be obtained quickly and accurately by measuring the
temperature of the eardrum, because it is believed that the temperature of
the eardrum constantly and accurately reflects changes in temperature of
the thermoregulatory center, or hypothalamus, in the brain.
As a traditional method to measure the core temperature, measuring oral
temperature or axillary (under the armpit) temperature has been used.
These methods take a longer time to detect the temperature. That is why
measuring ear temperature is now widely used throughout the world.
The body temperature varies depending on the individual (gender, age,
physical conditions), measuring conditions (room temperature, time) and
the body part where the temperature is measured (armpit, mouth, eardrum,
rectum, pulmonary artery)
Normal temperature
A normal temperature is your body temperature when you are healthy. It is
important to measure your temperature when you are healthy and to know
your normal temperature